Monday morning is worse if you can't fall asleep on Sunday night

I turned off the light and was looking forward to falling asleep around 11:30pm last night. Instead at 1am I was still awake and wondering what a girl has to do to pass out these days...

So I rolled myself into Supported Garbhasasana (Child's pose) using my pillow. Fun fact: Garbha means fetus in Sanskrit. (This is the pose without a prop just as a visual reference.)

Sourced from

Here's how:

Position your pillow lengthwise in front of you, and come into Table pose (hands on either side of the pillow, knees apart). Extend back onto your heels, your big toes touching, your knees still on either side of the pillow. Rest your head to one side (it will be slightly lower unless you use another pillow to rest your head on). Deepen your breathing by inhaling slowly to the count of 3, and exhaling to the count of 4 (you're also massaging your organs as they press gently against the pillow).

Child's pose is a restorative pose in general; it's known to heal, relax and rejuvenate the entire body and using the pillow as a prop it's even more supportive. It must have worked, cause I don't remember anything else after that.

So if you're fighting with insomnia and the bugger is beating you, try it before you pop an Ambien and end up waking up with a hangover two hours later than your alarm was set for. (Or is that just me?)

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