Roll out of bed into Apanasana

I literally do this every single morning. There is only one carpet in my apartment and it is right beside my bed. Originally I just thought it looked nice there, now I realize I was just making it as hard as possible to not do yoga every morning.

Sourced from

Here's the how to for an Apanasana & Jathura Parivartanasana [Knee down twist] sequence that takes about the length of a song to do:
  • Roll out of bed and begin your practice in whatever clothes you went to sleep in the night before. 
  • Have playlist cued to your favorite yoga track...this morning I began the day with One eskimO's "Amazing".
  • Bend your right knee and hug it into your chest using both hands wrapped below your knee. 
  • Inch shoulders closer together, shoulder blades flat on the floor. 
  • Inhale for 3 counts and exhale for 3 counts; holding the stretch for about a minute.
  • Cross your right knee across your body towards your left side. Use the weight of your left hand on your knee to help ease into the stretch. Extend your right arm out in a "T" and look over your right shoulder. 
  • Inhale for 3 counts and exhale for 3 counts; holding the stretch for about a minute. 
  • Bring your right knee back to center and bend left knee so that you are hugging both knees into your chest. Rock from your left to your right side gently. 
  • Extend right leg, keeping your left knee bent and hugging it to your chest. Repeat above on the left side. 
You can modify Apanasana to be a core strengthener by lifting your head and reaching for your knee with your nose. You can further add to the stretch by lifting the extended leg no more than 1 foot off the ground, remembering to breathe, and hold the pose for 15 counts.

It takes about the length of a song to do, milks your organs sending fresh oxygen to the cells, releases lower back tension from sleeping weird, creates space in the chest, and gives a nice stretch to your glutes. And since you've essentially rolled out of bed and done your practice, you can pat yourself on the back for being productive within 5 minutes of waking up!

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